“Urja Arpan” an initiative of Tata Power-Delhi Distribution Ltd aims to encourage responsible and optimal electricity consumption through use of energy efficient products and services among individuals and organizations and persuade citizens for practicing sustainable lifestyle for greener tomorrow.
“URJA ARPAN” initiative has been designed to reduce the detrimental effects on climate caused by an increase in energy usage by practicing a behavioural shift toward energy efficiency by engaging youth and climate conscious citizens in a movement aiming to save the job of 10 Million Matured trees, which takes 1 year to convert 2,60,000 Tons of Co2 to O2. This can be accomplished by saving 300MUs of energy over the course of two years.
For motivating participation and bringing behavioural shift, multiple stake holders like, youth – School and college students, residential and industrial associations along with NGOs and institutions working under sustainability space are being engaged as Green warriors, Sustainability warriors, Climate Conscious Citizens and collaborators.The institutions and welfare associations will be recognized under Gold, Diamond and Platinum category based on their contribution.
Trees are one of the natural storage solutions for combating climate change, but as emissions rise, they will soon exhaust their absorption capacity. Thus, off-burden the trees by switching to energy efficient alternatives.
URJA ARPAN gives an opportunity to reduce the monthly electricity bills by using electricity judiciously.
Reducing your energy consumption reduces the demand for fossil fuels, which lowers the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and helps to keep the Earth’s temperature stable.
To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we need to end our reliance on fossil fuels and invest in alternative sources of energy that are clean, accessible, affordable, sustainable, and reliable.